Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Im New At It

Well I am not too sure if anyone is reading this..or if anyone ever will read it, but I figure what the heck. I might as well start writing and who knows what will happen. I have obviously never done anything like this before and I wonder if im even doing it excuse me if im not:) suprises me even a little that im only JUST starting to blog..after all I am 21 and living in this technical day where everything I do should be written down for all to see..haha...I think I am going to try to come up with something that I should consistantly write about..that way I can maybe create some interest...I was thinking along the lines of something like the movie Julie and Julia..I could take a challenge of some sort and blog about it daily...coudnt I??? well i think i can..haha I will find something!!! I will not disappoint you!!!

If there is a you :S